The realm of space exploration is rife with uncertainty. While groundbreaking advancements in technology such as the James Webb Space Telescope have granted us breathtaking glimpses of the cosmos, there are occasions when even the most advanced instruments fall short. In some cases, space observatories may discover a planet similar to Earth, only to later discover that it lacks a crucial component such as an atmosphere.

The telescope has discovered that the rocky exoplanet which revolves around TRAPPIST-1, a star, is devoid of an atmosphere. This finding eliminates the possibility of any form of life on this planet, as previously suspected by scientists. Despite this, the scientists are interested in studying it because the TRAPPIST-1 star system includes six additional Earth-like exoplanets that could potentially have the necessary conditions to support life.

“What makes this discovery groundbreaking?”
Scientists have used the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) on the James Webb Space Telescope to measure the temperature of TRAPPIST-1b, an exoplanet that is part of a star system consisting of seven planets. TRAPPIST-1b is the closest planet to its parent star in terms of orbit and is 1.4 times the size of Earth, but has no atmosphere. This groundbreaking observation marks the first time that Webb has detected any type of light emitted by a rocky exoplanet, according to the European Space Agency (ESA). The findings show that the planet has a scorching temperature of 230 degrees Celsius (446 F), indicating that it is unlikely to have an atmosphere.

According to a report from, TRAPPIST-1b is situated at a distance from its central star that is 40 times closer than the distance between Mercury, the innermost planet in our Solar System, and our Sun. Despite receiving five times more sunlight than Earth does from the Sun, astronomers have concluded that TRAPPIST-1b is unlikely to be habitable. Nonetheless, this observation serves as a testament to the capabilities of the Webb telescope and offers new opportunities for exploring similar worlds. The TRAPPIST-1 star system is home to at least three planets, namely TRAPPIST-1e, 1f, and 1g, which may possess the necessary conditions to support liquid surface water and potentially host some form of life.

According to NASA, the star system under scrutiny is situated at a distance of 40 light-years from our Sun, and is presently the most extensively studied star system beyond our own. The results derived from the observations made by Webb have been disclosed in the scientific journal Nature on March 27, 2023.
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