According to a statement made on Monday by the federal agency, there have been sufficient electronic registrations received during the initial period to fulfill the H-1B numerical allocations for the fiscal year 2024.

The US Citizenship and Immigration Services has announced that the H-1B visa cap for the financial year 2024, commencing on October 1, has been met. According to the federal agency’s statement on Monday, sufficient electronic registrations were obtained during the initial phase to meet the numerical allocations for the H-1B cap for fiscal year 2024, which includes the master’s cap or advanced degree exemption. The agency has randomly chosen registrations that satisfy the cap and has informed all potential petitioners with chosen registrations that they are qualified to submit an H-1B cap-subject petition for the named beneficiary.
Starting from April 1, 2023, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will accept H-1B cap-subject petitions for the 2024 fiscal year, including those that qualify for the advanced degree exemption, provided that they are based on a valid registration that has been selected. According to the USCIS, only petitioners who have received selected registrations will be permitted to file H-1B cap-subject petitions for the 2024 fiscal year, and only for the individual named in the corresponding selected registration notice.
The current annual regular cap for the H-1B category has been established by the US Congress at 65,000. Within this cap, there are 6,800 visas reserved for individuals under the US-Chile and U.S.-Singapore free trade agreements, as specified in the relevant legislation. Any unused visas from this reserved group are made available for the next fiscal year’s regular H-1B cap.